of South Africa

The North American Harvard

Films Videos and DVDs


A variety of North American Harvard films, videos and DVDs are available from THE AVIATION SHOP





Honey Crest Shopping Centre
Corner of Beyers Naude Drive and Duiker Avenue
Randpark Ridge


Karel Zaayman

Tel: 011 795-3270
Fax: 011 795-3505


E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Website: www.aviationshop.co.za

Below is a list of some of the North American Harvard films, videos and DVDs availabe from The Aviation Shop



Video North American Harvard Schoolmaster of the Sky


North American Harvard

Schoolmaster of the Sky

V and R TV


The Harvard started service with the South African Air Force as a trainer in 1940 and remained operational until the end of 1995, representing 55 years of pilot and ground crew training, making the SAAF once of the largest and most experienced operators of the Harvard in the world.

Video Advanced Flight Training SNJ AT-6


Historic Aviation Video Collection

Advanced Flight Training SNJ AT-6

Take a complete naval flying instruction program in the North American SNJ (the U.S. Navy's version of the T-6 Texan) - the same single-engine, two-seat, advanced trainer in which an entire generation of World War II and Korean War pilots perfected their flying skills!
This advanced flight instruction course of nine U.S. Navy training films from 1953 includes Before You Fly; Take-Offs, Approaches and Landings; Crosswind Approaches, Landings and Take-Offs; Emergencies; Small Fields; Wingovers and Chandelles; The Wingover Roll; The Barrel Roll; and Fundamentals of Formation Flying (Three Plane and Four Plane). B&W, 1 hr. 50 min.


Thursday, 20. February 2025

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